Tuesday, February 23, 2010

FGCU and Recycling!

Florida Gulf Coast University also encourages recycling. It is important for recycling to be encouraged because it is a vital part of saving our environment since it reduces landfills, contaminations, pollution, the use of non-renewable resources, and helps protect nature.

Recycling paper is done in a process of steps. First the paper is separated in type and grade. Then the paper is places into a large vat and combined with water creating a product named slurry, which is then placed on racks and big rollers push the water out. This allows the paper to be rolled up and cut into whatever size being used for the new product. The product slurry can be used for cardboard boxes, cereal boxes, telephone books, and newsprint. This process saves thousands of trees and helps preserve our environment.

Recycling metal cans is also done in steps. The first step is separating aluminum cans from the metal cans with an industrial sized magnet that picks up steel cans. Then the separated cans are crushed together and sent to the appropriate mill to be melted down and turned back into metal and aluminum. Just one ton of metal recycled saves 2,500 pounds of iron ore, 1,400 pounds of coal, and 120 pounds of limestone. Using the recycled metal also saves 95 percent of the energy used to produce metal.

Because of the benefits of recycling FGCU is participating in Recyclemania 2010, a great way to have fun and help the environment. Recyclemania is a competition among universities which has schools record trash and recycling data that is then ranked to see who has the largest amount of recyclables per capita, the largest amount of total recyclables, the least amount of trash per capita, or have the highest recycling rate.

The students at FGCU participate in recyclemania by separating the trash into four categories: garbage, composite material, metal and glass, and paper. They are recording how much they throw away versus how much they recycle. Their plan is that, by using the data they’ve record, they can figure out more convenient ways for students to recycle. The dining halls at FGCU are also helping raise awareness for recyclemania by distributing flyers for it.